The synthetic risk and reward indicator (SRRI)

Stefnir hf. has divided its funds into seven different categories depending on the standard deviation in weekly returns over the past 5 years. Category 1 is the least volatile, while category 7 is the most volatile. A fund can be moved into a different category if the volatility of the underlying financial instruments changes. The categorization is based on guidelines issued by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA, formerly CESR) on the calculation of the categories. 

The and reward scale chart is solely based on the historical volatility of returns. Past returns are not a reliable indicator of future returns and do not take into account the various risks which UCITS and investment funds may have to deal with in their operations. The categorization of funds may therefore change without notice.

The risk and reward scale chart does not represent a general description of the risk inherent in investing in units in the funds. Instead it is a statistical, material description of one of the many risk factors which may be involved in investing in such financial instruments. Further information on the main risk factors can be found in the prospectus of each fund. Please note that historical volatility in the returns of a fund does not reflect future volatility in returns. Also note that funds in category 1 do not represent a risk-free investment and there is no guarantee that your original investment will generate a return or that you will get it back intact.

Risk class
Volatility Intervals - equal or above
Volatility Intervals - less than
 1  0,00%  0,50%  Stefnir - Liquidity Fund
 Stefnir - Savings Fund
 2  0,50%  2,00%  Stefnir - Fixed income opportunities fund
 3  2,00%  5,00%  Asset allocation fund A
 Asset allocation fund B 
 Stefnir - Kjarabréf
 Stefnir - Government Bonds Medium
 Stefnir - Government Bonds Long
 Stefnir - Inflation Linked Fund
 Stefnir - Treasury Note Fund
 4  5,00%  10,00%  Asset allocation fund C
 5  10,00%  15,00%  Asset allocation International Equities Fund
 Stefnir - Balanced Fund
 6  15,00%  25,00%  Stefnir - Icelandic Growth Fund
 Asset allocation Equities Fund
 Katla Fund Global Value
 Stefnir - Scandinavian Fund
 7  25,00%    

Currency hedges of these funds are inactive and they are therefore placed in the same category as comparable unhedged funds.

  • Stefnir - Erlend hlutabréf ISK is in the same category as Stefnir - Erlend hlutabréf EUR

The information above was correct on 17 September 2020.